CCNM - Toronto Campus Policy on COVID-19 Vaccinations
As of the evening of August 31, 2021 the Government of Ontario announced requirements for post-secondary institutions operating in Ontario to have a vaccination policy adhering to a number of strict requirements. The policies must be in place, and implement by September 7, 2021. The following policy has been created in response to this requirement.
Toronto Campus – Policy on COVID-19 Vaccinations
As of September 7, 2021 all employees, staff, contractors, faculty, volunteers, and students (herein referred to as "Required Individuals") who attend campus must provide:
  • proof of full vaccination against COVID-19; or
  • written proof of a medical reason, provided by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class that sets out:
    • a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and
    • the effective time-period for the medical reason; or
  • proof of completing an educational session approved by CCNM about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination prior to declining vaccination for any reason other than a medical reason. The approved session must, at minimum address:
    • how COVID-19 vaccines work;
    • vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines;
    • the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19;
    • risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and
    • possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
Where a Required Individual does not provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in accordance with paragraph 1(a), or of having a positive PCR test in the last 90 days, but instead relies upon the medical reason described at paragraph 1(b) or the educational session at paragraph 1(c), the Required Individual shall:
  • Submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and demonstrate a negative result, at intervals to be specified by CCNM from time to time, which must be at minimum once every seven days.
  • Provide verification of the negative test result in a manner approved by CCNM.
As mandated by the Government of Ontario, CCNM will collect, maintain, and disclose statistical (non-identifiable) information as follows:
  • documentation that includes (collectively, “the Statistical Information”):
    • the number of Required Individuals that provided proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
    • the number of Required Individuals that provided a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
    • the number of Required Individuals that completed an educational session about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination in accordance with paragraph 1(c); and
    • the total number of the Covered Organization’s Required Individuals to whom these Instructions apply.
  • disclose the Statistical Information to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) in the manner and within the timelines specified by MCU. MCU may seek additional detail within the requested Statistical Information outlined above which will also be specified in the request. MCU may further disclose this Statistical Information and may make it publicly available.
At this time this policy does not apply to patients visiting the campus for medical appointments.
Note: CCNM will provide free rapid antigen testing, in conjunction with this policy, to the extent that it is able to do so. Individuals requiring this testing should build extra time in their schedules to accommodate this testing (minimum a half hour).
This policy is subject to change based upon the latest requirements of the Government of Ontario.
CCNM formally encourages all members of its community without a medical exemption to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Approved September 2, 2021.
Effective September 7, 2021.
For the purposes of this document, “fully vaccinated” means having received the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by WHO (e.g., two doses of a two-dose vaccine series, or one dose of a single-dose vaccine series); and having received the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days ago.