Upcoming Courses

Practicing Conscious Medicine: The Impact Of The Physician’s Mental Health On The Therapeutic Relationship
October 26, 2021
Time: Tuesday: 3 – 5 p.m. (PDT) / 6 – 8 p.m. (EDT)
Credits: 2 Category A (Pending)
Venue: Webinar
Open to: Students NDs Health-care practitioners
Early bird deadline:
Early bird price: $59.00

Course Description
Patients won’t tell you if they’ve experienced bias, when rapport is damaged, often you’ll never hear from your patient again. Studies have shown that all physicians and nurses have implicit bias. As the movement of practicing conscious medicine is growing rapidly, more evidence is showing that there is a significant correlation between the level of implicit bias and lower quality of care.
If you are passionate about working in mental health, this course highlights key areas of training that are crucial to working in this field. It will illustrate why taking care of your own mental health and having more awareness of your biases could be one of the most important things you ever do in your medical career. This course will start to teach you that taking care of your own mental health starts the work that patients need their doctors to do to truly meet them where they are at in their healing journey. By taking this course you will join the movement of conscious physicians so patients feel heard and have the freedom to explore all areas of healing with you in a safe therapeutic environment.
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand how the mental state of the physician can impact the therapeutic relationship
  • Identify your bias and judgement
  • Understanding the impact of your bias on your patient retention and your practice
  • Knowing the scope and limitations of your training
  • Strategies for your own personal work and self-care

Dr. Aaron Wong, ND, RTC, BASc.
Dr. Aaron Wong strives to inspire his patients to be the change they want to see in the world. He believes in collaborating with his patients to empower them to tap into their deepest healing potential. After completing his degree in chemical and biological engineering at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Wong suffered a debilitating back injury that completely changed the course of his life. Through years of recovery and trying numerous conventional and alternative treatments, Dr. Wong found healing within mind, body, and spirit medicine and abandoned his dream of working in the production and development of pharmaceutical medications. He trained in biofeedback and opened a practice helping others using a mind, body, spirit approach. He then went on to complete the four-year doctorate program at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. He is the clinical director of his own practice in North Vancouver and enjoys serving the community where he was born and raised. Dr. Wong holds additional certifications in acupuncture, pharmaceutical prescriptions, and IV therapy. Dr. Wong is trained in numerous modalities and integrates them in combination to enhance the efficacy of his treatments.