On-Demand Courses

Lab Testing Series - Core Testing: Kidney & Electrolytes
January 27, 2020
Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Credits: 1.5 Category A
Venue: Online
Open to: Students NDs Health-care practitioners
Course type: On-demand

The Lab Testing Series is a new high-quality, evidence-informed webinar series that will examine the value of laboratory testing in clinical practice. It is open to students, naturopathic doctors and other healthcare practitioners, and is designed to improve patient care by helping practitioners recognize clinical presentations, select appropriate tests, establish baselines, interpret lab tests, monitor treatment progress, explain test results, and further clinical hypotheses.

This foundational session will focus on core testing and specifically the application of kidney & electrolytes lab testing in clinical practice.

Learning Objectives:
  • Review how the routine laboratory tests for kidney function were developed and came into use.
  • Understand how reference ranges are established for laboratory tests and the advantages and disadvantages of this method of assessing laboratory results.
  • Know how the evidence base to support the use of specific laboratory tests is derived and the variations and errors within this approach.
  • Classify laboratory tests by their ability to screen for disease, make a diagnosis, establish a baseline, give a prognosis, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment and the progression of the disease.
  • Recognise the clinical presentations in your patient that should lead to laboratory testing for kidney disease.

Robert William Moore. Ph.D., FACB
Robert has been an educator of medical students, technologists, colleagues in laboratory medicine, chiropractors, naturopaths and homeopaths since 1963. He has accredited of Canadian Technologist Training Programs, been an examiner for the University of Toronto, Technologists, his profession and the Colleges. Robert was a manager of the Clinical Chemistry laboratory at Sunnybrook Hospital for 33 years. He was a member of the Ontario Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program from 1974-1995 and 2000-2008. Robert has accredited laboratories in Canada and the USA. Robert has served on the executive of the Ontario Society of Clinical Chemists for 40 years and the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists for 2 years. He was formerly an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Banting Institute. At present Robert serves as an archivist for the Ontario and the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Robert has authored 241 professional publications. He was once an international class athlete and still competes.